Please tell us what you thought of THATCamp SoCal by filling out the anonymous survey at Only two fields required: which THATCamp you went to and how useful you rate it on a scale of 1-5, though there’s also plenty of space for more in-depth comments. If you like, you can read evaluations from …
Category Archive: Administrative
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Sep 14

Connecting to wi-fi
To connect to the wi-fi, choose the network CSUF-GUESTS, launch a browser, and enter any e-mail address in the guest login field. You will be asked to re-authenticate every two hours.
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Sep 05
#THATCampSoCal – Camper UPDATE
Greetings, Campers! We are just over one week away from THATCamp SoCal 2012, which takes place Friday and Saturday September 14-15, 2012 at Cal State Fullerton! It has been months since most of you registered. If you are now unable to attend, *please email back to advise of your cancellation*. We still have some latecomers …
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Aug 21
#THATCampSoCal hotels added! Marriott block rate expires 8/30!
If you are planning to book lodging for THATCamp SoCal 2012, our fabulous Logistics Coordinator Laura has pulled together a handful of hotels and motels close to campus that are willing to offer a CSUF (California State University, Fullerton) discount. Please refer to our Lodging page for all of the details. And please note that …
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Aug 01
Calling for #THATCampSoCal workshop proposals and requests!
We are now one and a half months away from THATCamp SoCal! We would like to be able to offer a good selection of hands-on workshops the first day of Camp (Friday, September 14th) to mix in with all the fun impromptu sessions that we’ll plan out that same first day….but we need your help. …
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