We discussed Chapman’s Tenure ePortfolios built on WordPress and also the ePortfolio features available within various institutional LMSes. Most of these are password protected so we don’t have links to share. But anyone who’d like to discuss this more, can contact Jana (remyATchapmanDOTedu).
Permanent link to this article: http://socal2012.thatcamp.org/2012/09/15/eportfolios-session/

Collaborative Notes from Omeka Workshop
Here are the notes we put together from the Omeka Workshop, led by Amanda French. Feel free to add and edit.
Permanent link to this article: http://socal2012.thatcamp.org/2012/09/14/collaborative-notes-from-omeka-workshop/

Collaborative Notes from DIY Project Management Session
For those who were not able to attend every session at once, here’s a doc we put together from the DIY Project Management Session, led by Tim Stanton.
Permanent link to this article: http://socal2012.thatcamp.org/2012/09/14/collaborative-notes-from-diy-project-management-session/

Connecting to wi-fi
To connect to the wi-fi, choose the network CSUF-GUESTS, launch a browser, and enter any e-mail address in the guest login field. You will be asked to re-authenticate every two hours.
Permanent link to this article: http://socal2012.thatcamp.org/2012/09/14/connecting-to-wi-fi/
#THATCamp SoCal Workshop Preview: Historypin
If you are attending our Workshop day this Friday, but haven’t heard of Scalar before, this video will give you a preview of what you’ll learn and work with in our Introduction to Historypin workshop!
Permanent link to this article: http://socal2012.thatcamp.org/2012/09/11/thatcamp-socal-workshop-preview-historypin/